Tuesday, 19 July 2022

Why Do You Buy Northern Lights Solar Pool Heat Exchanger?

Most pools and spas contain an additional amount of chlorine and bromine. That’s why flat plate solar heat exchangers are not suitable for them. Instead, they require a specially designed high-flow solar pool heat exchanger. This heat exchanger can handle the higher secondary side flow and high chlorine levels. In addition, it has better flow characteristics, which makes it a suitable alternative to solar pool heating and solar hot tub heating purposes. Using a titanium solar pool heat exchanger is recommended for applications involving salt water. Usually, a titanium solar pool heat exchanger is highly resistant to chlorine and salt water.

When buying a solar pool heat exchanger, you should go no further than Northern Lights Solar Solutions. But, first, go through a few benefits of using this heat exchanger discussed below:

Solar Pool Heat Exchanger

  • Northern Lights solar pool heat exchangers are designed to work at high secondary side fluid velocities with low-pressure drops. 
  • The heat exchanger unit has a helical coiled tube design, making it unique from all currently available shell and tube heat exchangers. Though this unit has a unique design, you can expect highly efficient heat transfer performance and diverse applications. 
  • You can install it in a counter-current flow process to maximize the overall performance of the solar pool exchanger system. The hot or heating fluid always flows through the primary side of the tube, while the cold or heated fluid goes around the secondary side of the shell. For example, in a swimming pool, the pool water flows through the shell side, and the boiled water flows through the tube side. 

What are the Main Features? 

The solar pool heat exchanger has high heat transferring efficient heat exchanger tubes and a smooth shell ensuring high velocities inside the system. That’s why the heat exchanger is considered a reliable, efficient, and affordable heat transfer in an indirect way between any solar heating or boiler unit and any pool or spa circuit apart from other applications. 

What can You Expect from Solar Pool Heat Exchanger?

  • Higher efficiency and co-efficient up to 14000 w/m2 deg C and heat exchange capacity of three to seven times than the traditional equipment 
  • Compact configuration and small area occupancy – around one-tenth of the traditional equipment 
  • Made from stainless steel and titanium, ensuring high temperature, pressure, and corrosion endurance 
  • Helix screw thread elastic heat exchange bundle eliminating the stress 
  • High flow volume
  • Design flux speed of 5.5 m/s and less dirt 
  • Easy installation and durability 

Bottom Line –

Want to know more about solar pool heat exchangers? Contact Northern Lights Solar Tubs at +1 (800) 317-9054. We’ll contact you right away with pricing related estimate.

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