Thursday, 13 October 2022

Why Do You Invest in a Solar Home Heating System?

Solar home heating systems are gaining popularity in the solar water heating industry. Solar-powered home heating systems are popular because of delivering extremely high efficiencies and higher operational temperatures. It's possible because of solar evacuated tubes. Solar evacuated tubes work efficiently in low light conditions, even if the temperature is minus 35 degrees.

Solar home heating is a reliable alternative for heating purposes throughout the Northern USA, Canada, and Europe. This solar-powered system can be integrated with an existing heating system like a radiator, in-floor heating system, or forced air heating system.

By integrating the solar-powered heating system, you can expect to save up to 50% of your heating bill. It's becoming heating the home consumes a significant portion of your energy bill, and its payback can be within five years.

How Does a Solar Home Heating Kit Work?

Solar Home Heating

Solar home heating or solar space heating systems use solar evacuated tube collectors to absorb solar energy. The energy is then transferred to a storage tank or concrete in the case of an in-floor heating system. The heat stored in the storage tank is then integrated with the existing heating system to provide heat energy to the heat supply unit.

The solar home heating system has a larger 119-gallon storage tank to store more energy. The stored energy in the storage tank can be used in the evening to accommodate every home's heating needs, even if the sun is not shining.

In winter, you require more heat. Hence, you can add a secondary dissipation loop to offload the heat energy during the summer months. For example, if you own a pool or a hot tub home, you can transfer the excess heat energy during summer while enjoying the free pool, hot tub, and space heat in winter.

Alternatively, a dissipation loop like an exterior fan or buried pipe can help dump the excess amount of heat. Finally, consider using a geothermal system to eliminate the extra heat in the summer while storing it in the ground for your use during winter. Even you can cover or unplug the heat pipes during summer as a manual way to switch off the system.

Solar home or space heating systems are ideal for colder regions. It's because they are susceptible to freezing. The systems use a special glycol heating fluid to avoid the damage caused by the frozen pipes. The unique fluid can even work at minus 40 Fahrenheit in temperatures as high as 480 F.

Bottom Line –

Do you want to learn more details about solar home heating systems? Please contact Northern Lights Solar Tubs at +1 (800) 317-9054. Whatever your solar home heating requirements, we will get back to you with right design estimate best matching your expectations.

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