Wednesday, 28 December 2022

Understanding the Product Features of Solar Pool Water Heating System

Most pool owners know the benefits and cost savings of using solar pool heaters. Generally, pools are used for seasonal purposes and are only used during the summer. However, investing in a solar-powered pool heating system can benefit pool owners significantly. Northern Lights solar pool heaters can be integrated to supply heat energy to the pool during summer and provide home and space heating as we; as residential hot water in winter.

That means solar pool heaters can minimize your heating bills throughout the year. These systems are the only alternative for indoor pool owners as they look for a solution for heating their pool during winter. The solar-powered pool heating systems enjoy much longer life expectancy and provide more heat energy throughout the season than any other type of pool heater. The overall ownership cost is relatively less for homeowners as the pool heating system yields maximum savings than fossil fuels and electricity, as well as traditional solar pool heating systems.

Solar Water Heating Pool

Understanding the Product Features

Suppose the solar collectors are warmer than the pool water by four degrees Fahrenheit or more and the pool has below the desired temperature. In that case, the pump will be activated, allowing heat collection from the collectors to the solar pool heat exchanger. The collection of heat energy stops when the solar sensor temperature drops to within 1.5 degrees of the pool temperature or the pool temperature exceed the chosen desired temperature.

Automatic Cooling –

When the collectors are cooler than the pool water by eight degrees Fahrenheit or more, and the pool temperature is above the desired temperature, the pump gets activated and allows cooling through the solar collectors. Heat energy dissipation continues until the collectors emerge within three degrees Fahrenheit of the pool temperature or the pool temperature drops below the desired temperature.

Single Setting for Desired Temperature –

You can use the single dial adjustment with the indicated desired pool temperature to set the Aqua Solar. The dial is calibrated with the temperature from 70 degrees F to 104 degrees F to ensure fast, easy and user-friendly operation. The set temperature indicates the desired pool temperature. By using Aqua Solar, you can know whether the water should be heated or cooled, thereby maximizing the capabilities of the solar system.

Terminal Strip Connections

Terminal strip connections are used for input power and sensor inputs. The controls feature standard three-pin connectors operating both forward and reverse valve actuators.

LED Display

The LED display shows the operational status of the entire system. The additional Valve Output on the Aqua Solar allows the second zone of a pump or a three-way valve.

Re-Circulation Freeze Protection

The field selectable options switches on the Aqua Solar output that directs warmer pool water through the collectors when near-freezing temperatures are noted at the auxiliary sensor. The Aqua Solar allows re-circulation when the auxiliary sensor goes below 34 degrees F and stops circulation when the temperature exceeds 36 degrees F. The operation requires two 10K ohm sensors. If you use the freeze re-circulation, it requires one or more freeze snap switch sensors. Therefore, it is essential to see the instructions before using the freeze re-circulation option.

System Operation and Test Switch –

The switch allows manually overriding Aqua Solar's automatic functioning to verify operation.

Bottom Line –

Do you want to learn more details about the product details of solar pool heaters? Feel free to contact Northern Lights Solar Tubs at +1 (800) 317-9054. +1 (800) 317-9054.

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